Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Are you weary, weary of the soul?"....then remember....

We have storms brewing, tornado sightings and people 15 miles from here had a rough storm situation early this morning by one of our lakes. A gal came into the antique store and shared about it shortly after I opened. She was weary as she shared about the damage from the storm and how others fared worse and some were lucky they were alive. In town, it was minimal compared to out there in the open. I sat down with her while she shared her frustration about the damage done and being thankful, yes, that no one was hurt. Then the conversation turned to her mother who is wasting away from a complicated disease and tears came to her eyes. Her father is having a difficult time with this and we talk of how fragile life is with our physical beings as well as with the physical storms regarding the weather. I listened and brought her some kleenex. I listened some more and then others came in and she started to look around and do some shopping....."therapy" for the woman's soul at times. She left feeling grateful for someone listening and even getting her some kleenex. I told her I would keep her and her family in my prayers. Looking at a daily devotion that I get, well, it seems appropriate to share with anyone who will read or listen......for we all get weary......

I wake weary...
I reach reluctantly for my Bible wishing I could reach for covers to pull over my head instead.

It turns out I'm not the only one who has ever felt this way.

I read of Gideon and how he is hiding (sounds a bit like pulling the covers) grain from the enemies of the Israelites.

Right there in the middle of that unlikely moment God sends a message to Gideon.

It's about fighting, victory, how everything will be different from now on.

It's these six words I love most:
"Go in the strength you have..." (Judges 6:14)

That phrase follows me out of bed and into the car. I think of it as miles whiz by on the way to work. What strength do I have?

Slowly I realize I don't have much at all (especially today). But I do have His strength.

And what kind of strength is that?

The kind that is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor 12:9)

That's great news for the broken, messy, and worn out (and aren't we all?).

And even if we were as strong as we'd like to be, it would still pale in comparison...

God's weakness is far stronger than the greatest of human strength. (1 Cor 1:25)

So here's truth worth getting out of bed for, the kind that's like coffee for our hearts. God served it up to Gideon first and He still offers it to us every morning (especially on the ones when we feel weary)--

Go in the strength you have...
and I will be the strength you need.

~Holly Gerth

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blogs! We share a love of the Lord and of birds - and of vintage things, too!
    Regarding your question, you are welcome to use any of the images on my mudbayimages, mudbaybirdhouse and mudbaygarden blogs for whatever you like. The images are all owned by me; all I ask is that if you use them in your blog I'd appreciate a link, and please not to sell the images "as is" (such as in digital or printed collage sheets) without significantly altering them in some way. So glad you are enjoying them! :)
