Saturday, July 23, 2011

Suffering for Christ?

"Dear ones, I long for a sight of your dear faces, but I fear we shall not meet on earth...I am preparing for the end very quietly and calmly. The Lord is wonderfully near, and He will not fail me. I was very restless and excited while there seemed a chance of life, but God had taken away that feeling, and now I just pray for grace to meet the terrible end bravely. The pain will soon be over; and oh the sweetness of the welcome above!

My little baby will go with me. I think God will give him to me in Heaven, and my dear mother will be so glad to see us. I cannot imagine the Savior's welcome. Oh, that will compensate for all these days of suspense. Dear ones, live near to God and cling less closely to earth. There is no other way by which we can receive that peace from God which passeth understanding...I must keep calm and still these hours. I do not regret coming to China, but am sorry I have done so little. My married life, two precious years, has been so very full of happiness. We will die together, my dear husband and I."

Lizzie Atwater wrote this letter twelve days before they were all killed....


Oh, to think I have it rough! I was reminded by reading this today that even though the Lord doesn't expect me to discount my difficult moments in life, He always desires that I be mindful of those that are or have suffered far worse, especially for the cause of knowing Christ. I was blessed, put to shame and sought forgiveness for my attitude this day. God is good. As Job said so long ago, "Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?"

Blessings this day and everyday the Lord gives us to serve Him!


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