Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"The Lord is my Shepherd. I have everything I need." Psalms 23:1 Jewelry

 Lenten services have started!  In our small town during this time, three churches get together for services on Wednesdays.  I really enjoy this time of year, the fellowship, the praise, the reflecting on the most amazing gift ever given to us!  Jesus Christ, God's Son....He was willing to honor His Father, leave heaven and live and suffer for us!!!  For you, for me!  So, Dear Ones, hold onto that, especially when times get hard.  Life is hard, doggone it!  But you have to hold on, you just have to.  This was never meant to be our home.  I love the song, "Leaving Eden."  Are we making earth our Eden....making it too comfortable to leave?  I don't want to.  I know I have and it is easy to get comfortable or even to seek comfort above all else.  Hold on and let's all look forward to a great reunion in heaven!  And while we are here, hold on to one another and to God....He love you so!!!

 Created these series of "Psalms" pendant jewelry pieces to remind us what is truly is all about!  Jesus!  They are in my etsy shop and in my physical store here in Redfield, South Dakota.  

I hope this finds you all having a super day knowing that each of you are greatly greatly loved.  Oh yeah!!!

"The Lord is my Shepherd. 
 I have everything I need"!!

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