Saturday, April 10, 2010

The journey continues...

Good morning....headed off to work at the Spink County Mercantile, our wonderful antique store here in Redfield. Wanted to share with you a couple more entries by Mark. These next ones were written several months later. To let you know, one has a cancer situation, it is hopefully taken care of and you may feel may even take back promises made if the Lord would spare you of this situation....and then, there is a second diagnosis and it takes you to a whole new plane of thought. Maybe even shakes you up even more, realizing now, that "no", we are not invincible! In my book, I will cover more about this....blessings, debbie


February 16, 2005
Subject: scans done...

Had the CT and bone scan and an MRI done last week. They found
another lump on my spine up by my neck. C-5 or C-7 can't remember.

Won't know any more until next Tuesday. As soon as we hear, I will let
all of you know.

Hang in there, and

Pray pray pray


February 26, 2005
Subject: battle on again...

Scans all came back and had the appointment with the doctor Tuesday. They found another...

A lot has happened, only the short version today.

A tumor at C-7. They are going to take this one out also. Things are
going at about the same speed as the first one.

The battle is on again. VA doesn't want to send me back to MD Anderson again, too much money. They want me to go to Omaha again. I have my choice of three doctors. None of them are qualified to do what needs to be done with the tumor. Kinda the same thing we had before. And I had to fire my senator, so I won't be getting any help from the new guy. Really need to get back to MD Anderson where they know what they are doing.

This C-7 is also a really bad spot, one mistake and nothing works below
and nothing works below the shoulder. The first was a tough one, too, but
they found out that you can't beat God. After all, we are all His kids and it
is His money. Same thing that I tried to tell them last time.

Anyway, we are beginning to fight and we don't have as much time on
this one.

Other than that, folks......PRAY PRAY PRAY

We will let you know as we know.

Thank you. All of you. You are in our prayers also.
Mark and his family

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