Monday, February 10, 2020

TRUE LOVE is given every single day...

My late husband Mark and I would not place any pressure on one another for the Valentine holiday.  From the beginning of our marriage, Mark said, "Deb, if I am not loving you the other 364 days of the year, I certainly can't make up for it on Valentine's Day."  I so appreciated this as one of my love languages is "gifts" of service...not necessarily to myself but also to others.  As far as stuff goes, I just don't need more stuff to dust!!!  Anyway, I lost Mark to cancer back in 2006 and am so grateful for the habits of showing love we developed over those years prior.  Now, I am blessed to be remarried to a most amazing, loving and godly man whom I treasure and we have discussed this upcoming first Valentine's Day for us.  Again, no pressure...let us just be loving on each other and others every day!!!  No dusting involved!!!   I love you, Benjamin Todd Adkins!!!