Monday, July 26, 2010

Zig Ziglar and his heart....

What I love about Zig Ziglar is his heart. His ability to help people realize their potential is unsurpassed, and his belief that,

"You can have everything you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want,"

has been the foundation of all he's accomplished.
Zig Ziglar has been around a long time. I was introduced to him, I believe in Bible College as required reading, in the early '80's. Yes, a long time ago. Oh, if we could all live like what he says live a life helping others achieve or get what they want and in return receive so many blessings. For the second year, our church gives a one hundred dollar bill to anyone in the congregation that is willing to find a use for it to bless others. The church only asks that it be someone in the community and to be willing to share about it as a testimony at some point. I have been trying to connect with the Activities Director at one of our nursing homes....I figure that she would know of a way to bless residents at the nursing home, especially those that do not get any visitors. Last year, I gave the money to our local Crisis Center and it was used to purchase food for a family with small children. Some people in the congregation pledged to do something with their own money. It is all about helping people and sharing the love of Christ. A great way to start the day, I'd say!
Be Blessed, debbie

1 comment:

  1. AMEN...confirmation that we are blessed by God to be a blessing to others!! ;)
